Mohammad Tuhinuzzaman
Mohammad Tuhinuzzaman, P.Eng. is a Reservoir Simulation Advisor at Carbon Alpha.
He has a Bachelor of Science in Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering from Middle East Technical University, followed by MASc in Petroleum Systems Engineering from University of Regina. He is a Professional Engineer with more than 16 years of sub-surface development/management experience in the field of Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) and Waterflooding in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin.
In his role at Carbon Alpha Mohammad provides numerical simulation support to set ranges of expectations, address uncertainties and critical issues for carbon storage projects.
Mohammad believes that CCUS can be the answer to achieve decarbonization goals till green energy replaces fossil fuels. He appreciates the fact that a career in the CCUS industry can be challenging and rewarding at the same time and enjoys working at Carbon Alpha where he can contribute to providing technical solutions to such a technically challenging concept.