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September 18, 2023
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Back to the Future: Fireside Chat with Carbon Alpha (video)

Carbon Alpha News image, clean healthy atmosphere image of aurora borealis.

Theseus 24D optimized seismic CCS MMV method Part 3: Experimental results

Lee Hunt, Eric Street, Graham Hack, Jason Schweigert, Matthew Allen
April 24, 2024

This issue of CJEG features a three-part series titled ‘Theseus 24D Optimized Seismic CCS MMV Method,’ which shines a critical light on the monitoring, measurement, and verification (MMV) in carbon storage. The work identifies the unique characteristics of onshore CCS MMV, discards monitoring elements that are determined to be unnecessary, redefines imaging areas for monitoring, and challenges the problem from a whole multi-decade repeat seismic perspective. The third part examines an experiment in baseline 3D design that was suggested in part two of the paper. It explores the use of wavefield reconstruction to produce arbitrary baseline 2D lines from a baseline 3D, which is essential to the 24D aspect of Theseus method.

Theseus 24D optimized seismic CCS MMV method Part 2: Design and potential value

Lee Hunt, Eric Street, Graham Hack, Jason Schweigert, Matthew Allen
April 17, 2024

This issue of CJEG features a three-part series titled ‘Theseus 24D Optimized Seismic CCS MMV Method,’ which shines a critical light on the monitoring, measurement, and verification (MMV) in carbon storage. The work identifies the unique characteristics of onshore CCS MMV, discards monitoring elements that are determined to be unnecessary, redefines imaging areas for monitoring, and challenges the problem from a whole multi-decade repeat seismic perspective. The second part delves into scalability of the method introduced in part one, exploring the implications of scenarios when repeat 3D seismic surveys can be minimized or completely omitted. Though the possibility of reasonably eliminating repeat 3D surveys in favor of repeat 2D surveys is material in terms of capital savings and environmental (surface) reclamation, it presents a challenge in baseline 3D design, a challenge that must be resolved for the 24D integrated 2D-3D repeat monitoring method to become a reality.

Theseus 24D optimized seismic CCS MMV method Part 1: Strategy

Lee Hunt, Eric Street, Graham Hack, Jason Schweigert, Matthew Allen
April 10, 2024

This issue of CJEG features a three-part series titled ‘Theseus 24D Optimized Seismic CCS MMV Method,’ which shines a critical light on the monitoring, measurement, and verification (MMV) in carbon storage. The work identifies the unique characteristics of onshore CCS MMV, discards monitoring elements that are determined to be unnecessary, redefines imaging areas for monitoring, and challenges the problem from a whole multi-decade repeat seismic perspective. The first part introduces a novel MMV design strategy aimed at enhancing capital efficiency within onshore CCS MMV programs. It focuses on the monitoring areas of repeat surveys, departing significantly from the National Energy Laboratory (NETL) recommendations in favor of something more apt for onshore carbon storage, and introduces the idea of ‘24D’, an integrated repeat 2D and 3D concept.

Controversies in Carbon Capture and Geological Storage

Ryan Lemiski, Lee Hunt
March 28, 2024

A humorous journey through controversies in CCS

24D Onshore CCS Seismic MMV Experiment

Lee Hunt, Eric Street, Graham Hack, Jason Schweigert, Matthew Allen
March 28, 2024

Part three of our three part Theseus 24D presentation series discussing a new seismic MMV method for CCS that is more efficient. This part focuses on an experiment to demonstrate the best 3D design for our integrated 2D-3D time laspes method called 24D.

24D Onshore CCS Seismic MMV Tactic

Lee Hunt, Eric Street, Graham Hack, Jason Schweigert, Matthew Allen
March 28, 2024

Part two of our three part Theseus 24D presentation series discussing a new seismic MMV method for CCS that is more efficient. This part focuses on an integrated 2D-3D time laspes method called 24D.

Theseus Onshore CCS Seismic MMV Strategy

Lee Hunt, Eric Street, Graham Hack, Jason Schweigert, Matthew Allen
March 28, 2024

Part one of our three part Theseus 24D presentation series discussing a new seismic MMV method for CCS that is more efficient.

CCS value written in a bowtie

Lee Hunt
January 1, 2024

All aspects of a CCS project are tied back to risk management; value in the geosciences, including seismic, are directly related to their role in reducing project risk.

CCS expertise and analogic reasoning

Lee Hunt, Eric Street, Graham Hack
September 15, 2023

Lee, Eric, and Graham's article on using analogic reasoning to leverage known skills into the new field of CCS.

Subsurface methodologies and CCS: similarities and differences

Lee Hunt, Eric Street, Graham Hack
May 15, 2023

In 2022, the Government of Alberta (GOA) entered into negotiations with 25 project teams to potentially approve storage hubs for the timely and safe permanent underground storage of carbon dioxide (CCS).