Carbon Alpha Featured in the BRCH Project

May 3, 2023

Powering Progress

Utilizing pre-combustion CCS technology to increase hydrogen use in the electricity sector

Carbon Alpha has been supporting Heartland Generation to evaluate and advance the carbon storage component of BRCH and is the primary contractor for subsurface and drilling activities. Carbon Alpha’s co-founder and COO, Patrick Elliott is “thrilled to bring our specialized evaluation and development skills to support the world-class BRCH project.” The carbon sequestration hub is being developed prudently, leveraging proven exploration workflows that are congruent with CSA standards. In 2022, Carbon Alpha’s subsurface team de-risked a reservoir complex proximal to BRGS through the interpretation of 2D seismic data and integrating well log data, cores, and information from legacy wellbores in the region. This seismic evaluation work has provided positive signs of a reservoir complex with appropriate caprock seals and the capacity to safely store CO2 from both the BRCH project and other regional sources of emissions.

Read the full article from Carbon Capture Magazine below: